Me, Myself, & I

Who am I?

Long story.  In fact, I'm still discovering new things about myself every day.  That's sort of the point of the blog.  "The Ever Winding Path" that is my journey through life.  And believe me, that path seems to be ever changing!

I'm a homeschool grad from South East Tennessee.  I've been out of school for 7 years and I still have no earthly idea what I want to be when I grow up.  There are just too many things on my list to choose from!  I'm still not convinced that it's necessary to just pick one. I currently work for an attorney in Chattanooga as well as some contract work in the County Attorney's office.  It's a bit crazy, but I enjoy it.

As far as furthering my education, I am enrolled in an online accelerated distance program called CollegePlus.  When will I graduate, you ask?  'Tis a very good question!  I'll keep you posted!

I have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and I aspire to become more like Him with each passing day of my life.

I'm the third of four children with 8 nieces and nephews.

I have lived nearly one-quarter of a century.

I love to write whenever I can find the time.

My reading list includes, almost exclusively, Theology, Philosophy, and History books.   I really should try to squeeze some fiction in there somewhere...

Myers & Briggs say that I am an INT(F)J.  Yes, I am an introvert.  I just hide it well.  Sometimes....

I am a pianist.  I taught myself to read music at the age of 6.  I was also a private teacher for roughly 5 years.

I love to sing.  I love opera and choral works.

I'm a bit of a musical film junkie...

I am Southern to the core and I have the accent to prove it.  Don't question my stance on the War of Northern Aggression or I'll probably wave a Bonnie Blue flag in your face.  Ask anyone who knows me. :P

I love naps.

Let me repeat that.  I.  LOVE.  NAPS.

If you see me and I don't have a cup of black coffee in my hand or somewhere nearby, you should probably be concerned. I have a reputation for being something of an addict.

I would live off Thai food and sushi if I could.

British television is the best thing ever created.  Your argument is invalid.

One day, I shall publish a book.

I have an autoimmune disorder called Fibromyalgia.  Because of this, I am gluten-intolerant.  I have flares occasionally which sometimes can be bad enough for me to be unable to leave my bed. Thankfully, my symptoms have improved in the last 6 months and I rarely am unable to go about my daily routine.

I walk into rooms and forget why, open my mouth and the words in my mind float away, trip over sidewalks, and walk into walls.  Feel free to laugh.  Everyone does!

I love deep thoughts and well written words.

Metaphors make me happy.

I am told that when I am an old lady I shall be an exact replica of Lady Violet from Downton Abbey.

I'm lucky to have my best friend living just across the hall.  My little sis is the bestest ever!

I am emphatically not a morning person.

There, their, they're; your and you're.  In case there is any confusion....

I am in a deep and committed relationship with my day planner.

I give inanimate objects names.

Bringing order to chaos makes my heart happy.  I'm a bit of an organizational freak.  Just a bit...

Color code all the things!!!!!

For every situation there is a corresponding VeggieTales song and if you don't know what it is, I shall be more than happy to sing it for you.   If you protest, I shall sing louder.  It's best to just succumb to my awkwardness.  (If I discover that it is possible to embarrass you, I will do so at any available opportunity.)

Whenever you are having a bad day the answer is ALWAYS wine, chocolate, and a marathon of Friends.

I supposed I'll stop there.  You get the general idea. ;)

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